St. Vladimir Orthodox Christian Church - Trenton, New Jersey

812 Grand Street; Trenton, NJ 08610

MOPS (Mothers of Pre-Schoolers) Holds First Meeting!

On Tuesday, February 10th, the parish of St. Vladimir held the first meeting of a brand new ministry - Mothers of Pre-Schoolers (MOPS)!  

MOPS meets here the second and fourth Tuesday of each month from 9:30am-noon, providing free childcare for mothers of pre-schoolers as well as expectant mothers, during which time the moms gather for a couple hours of fellowship, activities, discussion, and fun!

"MOPS had a profound impact on me and I wanted to share the blessings I received with others in our parish and the surrounding community," said Matushka Andrea Diamantis, MOPS Coordinator.  "I am excited about the possibilities of helping other mothers and am hopeful that the time they have with us will benefit not only the moms, but their children and entire families!"

Fr. John commented, "Our parish strives to be constantly aware of the needs of the community around us.  It is my hope and prayer that by reaching out to mothers, whether they are stay-at-home moms by choice or necessity, that we can help to replace some of their stress with Christ's love, warmth and comfort -- if only for a few hours every month."

Our parish is blessed to have so many helping hands to get this going.  We've reached out to members from another local MOPS to help get us up and running, and we are so grateful for the dedicated experience of people like Charlotte Toth who brings a decade of youth work, program management, and childcare with her from her MOPS experience, Ann Kasmer and Tahara Ortiz who as a grandmother and mother will be helping as "Mommy Mentors," and all of the moms who have boldly stepped forward to help us launch so successfully! 

"MOPS is a grassroots movement that believes moms are world influencers.

We also believe that incubating hearts and giving just-because-hugs can change the course of history. That’s why we connect moms all over the world to a community of women, in their own neighborhoods, who meet together to laugh, cry and embrace the journey of motherhood. MOPS groups are rallying women to be more honest, to feel more equipped and to find our identity by journeying along side one another.

We are moms, and we believe that better moms make a better world."

To learn more about MOPS here in Trenton, or to become involved, please contact Matushka Andrea Diamantis at:

Check out more about MOPS International here.




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