St. Vladimir Orthodox Christian Church - Trenton, New Jersey

812 Grand Street; Trenton, NJ 08610

Exaltation of the Holy, Life-Giving Cross

The parish family of St. Vladimir rejoiced in the second of the twelve great feasts this year - the exaltation of the Holy Cross of our Lord. 

Before Thy Cross we bow down in worship, O Master, and Thy Holy Resrrection we glorify! As our faithful proclaimed these words we all joined together bowing down before the Lord's cross, giving thanks to God for ascending it out of His love for us and for our salvation. 

"The celebration of the cross is a reminder to us that the Cross has power, because our Savior Jesus Christ ascended it in obedience to the will of the Father in heaven.  This celebration is a reminder to us that everytime we see a cross in our homes, offices, in the church or when we bless ourselves with its sign, we are declaring the power God has in our lives and are reminded by His extreme love for us.  The beauty of an Orthodox Christian understanding about the events of the cross is that it is an account of triumph.  As God, Jesus Christ knew and allowed for His own crucifixion because His love, expressed in a single moment, overpowered all of the sin humanity has, and will undertake throughout the rest of time.  Our role in this is simply to embrace the cross of our Lord with faith and love and to walk the same path, toward Golgotha, crucifying our own will so that God's will may be done in our lives," said Fr. John.

For more information about the celebration of the Cross, celebrated each year on September 14th, please visit:

To join us in worship and thanksgiving, please view our service schedule:

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